Lombard Foot Doctor

Foot Doctor

Don’t trust the health of your feet to just anyone. At AFP Podiatry- Lombard, you can see a specialist who understands that intricacies and specific concerns that are unique to your feet and ankles. Together with you as a partner in your podiatric well-being, our Lombard foot doctor, Philip L. Forni, DPM, will not only diagnose the reasons for any discomfort or pain that you are currently feeling, but also help you to keep your feet strong and in top condition so you can avoid problems in the future.

The most important quality in a top notch podiatrist is to prevent problems wherever possible. Sometimes, it’s as simple as changing your footwear to a type of shoe that supports your foot health instead of working against it. Our Lombard foot doctor understands that fashion is an important factor in your choice of footwear, but you needn’t necessarily sacrifice looks for practicality. Orthotics, either standard ones over the counter or custom made ones available by prescription, can also do an wonderful job of keeping foot issues from occurring or from having them progress.

Everything related to the foot, from ingrown toenails to bunions, hammertoe to sprains, our Lombard foot doctor can help with simple lifestyle change recommendations (for mild cases) all the way up to surgery for foot and ankle problems that are painful, interfering with your life, or that have been unresponsive to noninvasive methods of treatment.

You’re in the best possible care when you come in to see our Lombard foot doctor. He is highly skilled and possesses extensive experience in all aspects of podiatry. In addition, Dr. Forni stays on top of all the latest treatment options and technology to ensure that you have access to the best guidance and treatment possible. Dr. Forni is a double board certified physician so you can count on his expertise in podiatric care as well as surgery. Your feet are essential to your independence and your ability to take care of all your day to day tasks. Don’t risk them. Whether you have a problem that needs addressing right now or you would like to get started on keeping your feet in their optimal state, call us today and let’s get started.


Lombard Foot Doctor

Lombard Foot Doctor




AFP Podiatry, LTD
2340 S Highland Ave. Suite 100
Lombard, IL.
Phone: (630) 620-4848

Foot Surgeon in Roselle

Foot Surgeon

No one likes to hear the word “surgery” or to think about having a procedure done, but there are times when it’s the best option. If you’re experiencing severe pain, it has a way of putting a damper on everything else. AFP Podiatry- Roselle is committed to recommending surgery only when other noninvasive methods have been ruled out or have proven to be ineffective in achieving the desired result. Our foot surgeon in Roselle, Dr. Philip L. Forni, is a double board certified physician, highly experienced, and extremely well qualified to work on your foot when that becomes necessary. Using the most advanced and current treatment methods, you can rest assured that you will be treated with respect, gentle care, friendliness, and above all the utmost in professionalism. Among the many foot conditions that can be addressed by Dr. Forni are neuromas, bunions, and heel spurs.

If you are experiencing burning, tingling, or numbing pain in your toes, the problem may be neuroma. It’s caused by the outer layer of nerves rubbing up on your ligaments when your toes bend as you take steps. A big risk factor is wearing high heels or narrow toed dress shoes with thin soles. In many cases, a change of shoes or using orthotics will solve the issue, but in more persistent or severe instances, physical therapy or even surgery may be required. An examination by our foot surgeon in Roselle will lead to a determination of the best protocol.

Not all bunions cause pain and if they’re not, then there is no reason to consider surgery. However when one of these small bony protrusions results in pain that is causing you problems with walking and in conducting your daily work and chores in the proper manner, surgery is a viable choice. Our foot surgeon in Roselle can correct the bunion and have you feeling relief within a short time frame.

Heel spurs, or plantar fasciitis, is the inflammation that occurs in the connective tissue on the bottom of your foot, stretching from the toes to the arches. Causing pain in the bottom of your foot- in the heel area, surgery may be the only choice left if milder treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs, ice packs and orthotics are insufficient. Fortunately, many cases of heel spurs can be handled by our foot surgeon in Roselle without surgery.



Foot Surgeon in Roselle

Foot Surgeon in Roselle

AFP Podiatry, LTD
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL.
Phone: (630) 582-1100

Norridge Ankle Doctor

Ankle Doctor

If you’re having ankle difficulties or pain, you’ve come to the right place. At AFP Podiatry- Norridge, we can treat a variety of ankle problems, provide relief and allow you to walk in your normal fashion. Ankle discomfort can make even doing the the simplest task into a challenging one if you have to get on your feet to do it. Our Norridge ankle doctor, Philip L. Forni, DPM, is double board certified physician, expertly skilled and highly experienced in handling such concerns.

Pain at the back of your heel and ankle could be Achilles tendonitis. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is the most commonly injured tendon. It’s also possible to develop bone spurs and for the tendon to become torn. Our Norridge ankle doctor will perform a physical examination and may also take an Ultra-sound or an MRI to get a closer and more clear look. This will assist in determining a diagnosis.A stress fracture can be very tricky. They occur when, your bone develops an incomplete fracture due to overuse. This is a good reason not to ignore pain in your ankle or your foot for that matter.

Our Norridge ankle doctor, Dr Philip L. Forni will be able to determine, with the use of imaging, if a stress fracture does exist and pinpoint its location. In most cases, a stress fracture can heal on its own and it will do so in a reasonable amount of time but it requires complete rest. Otherwise, it is likely to become a complete fracture in which then you will need to wear a cast and have it immobilized. Less urgent, but still essential to have treated, is an ankle sprain. This tends to happen when you twist your ankle or when some kind of trauma occurs to the ankle area. A sprain is identified as the stretching or tearing of the ligaments outside and around the ankle. It needs to be addressed or it can develop into a more severe problem. We urge you to call us and schedule an examination in any instance where you are noticing ankle discomfort or pain. Remember that minor treatment today can help you to prevent more serious concerns later on.

Norridge Ankle Doctor

Norridge Ankle Doctor


AFP Podiatry, LTD
4701 N. Cumberland Ave. Suite 19
Norridge, IL.
Phone: (708) 867-3338

Lombard Foot Surgeon

Foot Surgery Care in Lombard

You may not realize just how much you rely on your feet every single day. From walking, to running, to operating your car, using the stairs and participating in an active lifestyle, you use your feet a lot more than you think. You may not completely realize just how much you rely on them until something happens and subsequently affects the way you go about your daily life. Any injuries or conditions sustained in the foot can be painful and difficult to ignore, and nor should they. Our Lombard foot surgeon can provide you with the treatment that your feet need.

Lombard Foot Surgeon

Lombard Foot Surgeon

If you sustain an injury of any kind, it is important that you are thoroughly examined by a medical professional. Even if you do not experience any immediate signs, symptoms or feelings of pain or discomfort that does not mean that you have not sustained any injuries. Any sprains, fractures or breaks to the foot can create serious problems if they are left untreated. If a foot injury goes without the medical attention it deserves, your foot cannot heal properly, creating future chronic conditions that may prevent you from ever comfortably putting weight on that foot again. Some other conditions can also affect how comfortably you walk and need removal, such as bunions or corns. These conditions can become worse over time, becoming more painful as they rub against your bones and your shoes. These conditions can also create more serious issues if they are left untreated and can make walking and going about your day increasingly difficult and more uncomfortable. Here at AFP Podiatry, our Lombard foot surgeon can examine your feet and prescribe the proper surgery necessary to solve the issue.

Your feet are incredibly delicate. Because they help you walk and function under the weight of your body, any injuries sustained can quickly worsen and make using your feet increasingly difficult. Don’t sacrifice one of the more important motor parts of your body by letting any conditions or symptoms go untreated. If you experience any pain, discomfort or have suffered an injury to your foot, schedule a visit with our Lombard foot surgeon here at AFP Podiatry today.

Foot Surgeon in Lombard
2340 S Highland Ave, Suite 100
Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 620-4848

Norridge Foot Doctor

Attentive Foot Care in Norridge

We rely on our ankles and feet every day of our lives. We may not always realize it or be aware of it, but most of what we do is made possible because these important limbs are working correctly and as they should. When something happens to our ankles or feet, it is often difficult to ignore, especially when you try to continue to go about your day as you always do. Our Norridge foot doctor, Dr. Philip L. Forni can examine your ankles and feet and help determine what can be done to solve the issue.

Norridge Foot Doctor

Norridge Foot Doctor

Because we rely on our feet so much, it is no wonder how some injuries occur. Sometimes they can occur from overuse, misuse or common accidents. Athletes may experience more injuries overall due to the nature of their sport and lifestyle, but no matter what the cause of concern is, it should always be properly and thoroughly examined. Because we rely on our feet so much, it is important that they receive the proper care when they are injured. Failing to treat what may seem like a minor injury or pain can quickly worsen over time and become an even bigger issue. Injuries may fail to heal correctly and healthily, causing more complicated injuries and problems later on in life. Here at AFP Podiatry – Norridge, our Norridge foot doctor, Dr. Forni, can help determine what sort of damage has been done to your foot and how to treat it. If you experience any discomfort, especially when you walk, run or put any pressure or weight on your foot, you should schedule an appointment with our foot doctor as soon as possible. Even other concerns such as bunions, corns and other discomforts should be seen to for proper treatment as soon as possible.

Since we rely on our feet so much, it is important that we take care of them as well. Any injuries sustained to the feet should be looked into immediately after they occur and any signs or symptoms of discomfort should be investigated by a professional as soon as possible. Here at AFP Podiatry, our Norridge foot doctor can provide all patients with the proper foot care that they need.

Norridge Foot Expert
4701 N. Cumberland Ave
Norridge, Illinois 60706
(708) 867-3338

Ankle Doctor in Roselle

Roselle Expert Ankle Care

You may not realize just how much you rely on your well being every day. Having a healthy body can help you accomplish many daily tasks and participate in a wealth of activities with absolute ease. It may not become apparent just how much you rely on your body until something goes wrong or gets hurt. This can apply to your ankles. Many people may not actively think about how much they rely on their ankles and feet to get them around and keep them moving. Ankle problems and injuries can be quite painful and deter you from living your normal everyday life. Here at AFP Podiatry, our ankle doctor in Roselle can help provide the proper ankle treatment that you need.
Ankle Doctor in Roselle

Ankle Doctor in Roselle

Ankles can easily become injured. Playing sports, living an active lifestyle or even domestic accidents like tripping or falling up or down the stairs can hurt your ankles and create a serious injury. Even sprains can create problems if they are not properly looked at by a professional and go untreated. Trauma can cause serious ankle injuries. If you experience any injuries and feel that your ankle may have been affected, visit a professional like our ankle doctor in Roselle. Other conditions such as arthritis can also interfere with your daily life, affecting how comfortably you walk, run and complete other daily tasks. Whether you are suffering from an injury, a chronic condition such as arthritis, or have any other conditions that make walking or otherwise putting weight on your leg painful, let our ankle doctor in Roselle give you the care you deserve. Dr. Forni will thoroughly examine your ankle, taking into account any medical history or history of injury. Once he has determined what you are suffering from, he can provide proper treatment. Some conditions can be treated with the use of personalized orthotics and other times surgery may be required for more serious issues.
Living your everyday life does not have to be uncomfortable and painful. Don’t let discomforts or injuries go untreated. If you believe you may have an ankle injury or condition, schedule an appointment with our ankle doctor in Roselle today.

Ankle Doctor Roselle
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 582-1100


Podiatrist in Lombard

Lombard Orthotics

Do you constantly feel dead on your feet? Are your knees or back always suffering from some level of throb or ache, making it difficult for you to get through your work day? If you’re on your feet for long hours at a time, or simply suffer from diabetes or other forms of circulatory problems, your body may need more help than you realize to stay healthy and strong, without pain from over exertion. Believe it or not, the answer to back pain may have nothing to do with a spinal problem and everything to do with correct posture. Fortunately, you can always find the help you need to stay on your feet with custom orthotics from your local podiatrist in Lombard at AFP Podiatry.

Lombard Orthotic Fittings

Lombard Orthotic Fittings

Our feet go through constant use and abuse day in and day out, whether you work in an office or enjoy fresh air as part of your employment. And yet, we often neglect in giving our feet the care and support they need to function properly for overall body healthy. When our feet are not getting the right level of assistance, they can throw out entire walking gait and posture off balance. This causes pain throughout many areas of the body, from the toes to the calves, to the joints of your knees, and even your spine as your body fights to maintain a healthy posture. Whether you’re an athlete or a more leisurely person, your feet require support through proper footwear no matter what level of activity you perform on a daily basis. This process begins with a personal foot typing from your professional podiatrist in Lombard. Feet with high arches and low arches alike, also known as high arched feet or flat feet, both need their own specialized orthotic in order to walk comfortably. Custom orthotics can be placed inside any shoe to give you the support you need, without having to sacrifice your professional appearance or work place safety. The right orthotic does more than simply support for the foot, they are made to actively heal and strengthen the human body against strain and stress to help your feet and legs to become stronger and healthier. You can find orthotics for all levels of activity, from the everyday to sport orthotics that can prevent injury.

No matter what your foot type, you can always find the custom orthotic you need at your neighborhood podiatrist in Lombard. Our fully licensed and professionally trained staff at the state of the art practice of AFP Podiatry perform advance foot typing diagnostics to create the perfect orthotic for your unique personal and medical needs. With custom orthotics from AFP Podiatry, you can get back on your feet again.

Custom Orthotics Lombard
2340 S Highland Ave, Suite 100
Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 620-4848

Roselle Foot Specialist

Foot Surgeon Roselle-Schaumburg

Do you suffer from toes that curl around each other, making it difficult for you to walk or stand comfortably no matter what pair of shoes you wear? Hammertoes can occur on any of the small toes of your body, and can rub often irritably against shoes and each other to cause swelling, blisters, and even open wounds without proper care. If you live diabetes or any other medical condition which affects your ability to circulate blood, your body is in even more danger than you realize. Fortunately, you can always find the care you need for hammertoes at your local Roselle foot specialist of the AFP Podiatry.

Foot Pain Doctor Roselle

Foot Pain Doctor Roselle

A hammertoe happens when the muscles and ligaments adjacent to the joint of the toe become out of balance, causing the pair to cease to function properly together. This causes the middle joint of the affected toe to curl and eventually become trapped in this position. Any toe that curls instead of buckles, such as the baby toe, is considered to be a hammertoe. While hammertoes can happen to any toe on any adult, women are more prone due to hammertoes due to heels and other footwear more common of the female gender. However, this is not the only cause of hammertoes. A hammertoe can be caused by a simple genetic inheritance that is not from your toes, but the cause of feet which are either very flat or have a very high arch which requires special support to walk comfortably. Injuries to the toe due to any type of ill-fitting shoe can push your toes out of balance to cause permanent damage without care. Arthritis can also cause hammertoes over time due to increased stiffness of the joints of the phalanges. Hammertoes are diagnosed in one of two types depending on the state or severity of the problem. Flexible hammertoes are those which can still be moved at the joint, allowing for numerous treatment options at this early stage of development. Rigid hammertoes cause the toe joint to simply press out of alignment, and cannot be moved at the joint any longer. Hammertoes of this severity most often can only be treated through surgery by your professional Roselle foot specialist.

No matter what type of level of hammertoe you are currently suffering from, you can always find the care you need at your neighborhood Roselle foot specialist. Our fully licensed and professionally trained team at the state of the art practice of the AFP Podiatry proudly serve your local community with the latest advancements in foot care technology and procedure, with a personalized touch for the best care possible for your unique problems. With the AFP Podiatry, you can put an end to unsightly and uncomfortable hammertoes for good.

Hammertoe Treatment Roselle
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 582-1100

Norridge Foot Surgeon

Foot Surgery Norridge

Do you find it difficult to stay on your feet throughout the day due to a painfully inflamed area on the toes of your feet? Our toes work to provide our bodies with the balance we need to walk upright, but for some of us our big toes can cause more harm than good. Bunions are a painful growth, known as hallux valgus, which causes the bone or tissues around the base of to enlarge and form a large bump at the base of the big toe. Bunions can impede your ability to walk comfortably and even cause a deformity of the toe without proper treatment. Fortunately, you can always find the care you need to get back on your feet at your local Norridge foot surgeon with the state of the art practice of AFP Podiatry.

Norridge Illinois Foot Care

Norridge Illinois Foot Care

Bunions can be removed by your trusted Norridge foot surgeon in different ways. The first is known as a bunionectomy, and is used when the bunion is simply a swollen overgrowth on the base of the toe. This sac full of fluid is an overgrowth called a bursa, and is removed through a small incision at the top of the foot. In some cases a bunion can actually cause a shift in the bone of the toe, forcing the big toe to be pointed inward towards the rest of your toes. If this is the case, your doctor will work to realign the foot and straighten the toe for a healthy posture and walking gait.

In other more severe cases involving the need for bone removal, an osteotomy is performed. This treatment works by shortening the bone in the two which is causing the bunion to form at the base of the toe. Your professional Norridge foot surgeon will make a small incision at the top of the foot, and work to remove a small section of the first metatarsal joint of your big toe. The metatarsal joint is then reshaped to insure a more natural fit into the joint itself. Once the metatarsal and big toe have been reconfigured into a more harmonious setting, the entire foot is then realigned to insure perfect position. Bunion surgery of any kind will take at least six weeks to heal, with stitches to be removed in one to three weeks.

For the very best in bunion removal surgery, be sure to visit the experts at your neighborhood Norridge foot surgeon. Our fully licensed and professionally trained team at the welcoming offices of AFP Podiatry provide advanced care for podiatry problems in patients of all ages at three convenient locations to help you relieve your aches and pains. With bunion surgery from AFP Podiatry, you can be back on your feet in no time.

Norridge Bunion Removal Surgery
4701 N. Cumberland Ave
Norridge, Illinois 60706
(708) 867-3338

Foot Doctor Lombard

Lombard Bone Spurs

We rely on our feet probably more than we realize. They help get us from place to place and they help us complete daily tasks with ease. It is easy to forget just much we depend on our feet until they begin to cause us pain or discomfort. Walking, running, and being active can put a lot of stress on our feet and some conditions can form such as calluses or corns. These corns can be painful, especially when walking and wearing shoes. But here at AFP Podiatry, our Lombard foot doctor, Dr. Philip L. Forni, is here to help ease the problem and get you up and walking again.

Foot Pain Lombard

Foot Pain Lombard

Corns are a type of callus that forms on the toes of your feet when the bones push against your shoe, thus putting pressure on the surrounding skin. There are generally two different types of corns. A hard corn is usually located on the top of the toe or on the side of the smaller toes. A soft corn usually develops between the toes and more closely resembles an open sore. These types of corns are usually the result of the toes rubbing against each other in the constrained space of a shoe, not from rubbing against the shoe itself. The skin thickens, creating a callus, to protect the area of skin from constant friction, but that does not mean the area is immune to pain. Sometimes a blister can form from rapid irritation, but if the irritation is more gradual and chronic a callus can form instead. Here at AFP Podiatry, our Lombard foot doctor can help treat this condition.

Typically, treatment involves the removal of the source of irritation and can sometimes be helped with the use of orthotic inserts. If a bone spur is the cause of the corn, then the bone spur will be removed. Sometimes, the site of a callus can be in a problematic location such as on a hammer toe. If this is the case, the hammer toe surgery may be required. Proper diagnosis and treatment is available here at AFP Podiatry. You can rely on our Lombard foot doctor to provide you with the personalized care you need.

Foot Corns Lombard
2340 S Highland Ave, Suite 100
Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 620-4848

Podiatrist in Roselle

Roselle Fungal Foot Infections

When you think about dry, itching skin, it may initially sound like a common problem that can be easily treated by using lotions and other moisturizers. But chronic itching and discomfort can often be the sign of a fungal infection of the skin. Fungal infections can easily spread to other parts of the body and become problematic. One of the more common skin fungal infections is athlete’s foot, and our podiatrist in Roselle, Dr. Philip L. Forni, can help diagnose and treat athlete’s foot before it becomes any more of an issue. A quick visit to AFP Podiatry can help you identify and treat this condition quickly and painlessly.

60172 Podiatrist

60172 Podiatrist

This foot condition is caused by a fungus that is typically found between the toes. Skin fungus tends to grow in this area due to the warm, dark, humid environment that is created when wearing socks and shoes. It is often associated with athletes, hence the name athlete’s foot, because of the amount of physical activity that they take part in. While an increased amount of sweat can increase your chances of developing this type of fungus, it can still occur even if you don’t. It is important to pay attention to small signs and symptoms as they can help you know if you have any medical concerns. If you have any of the symptoms associated with athlete’s foot for more than a day or two, then you should make sure to schedule an appointment with our podiatrist in Roselle. If you experience any dry skin, scaling of the skin, persistent itching, inflammation or blisters, then make sure to schedule an appointment with us here at AFP Podiatry. If athlete’s foot is left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the foot including the sole, the toenails, and it can even travel to other parts of the body as well.

What may seem like a little concern, like foot itching, can easily escalate if not properly identified and diagnosed. Athlete’s foot is easily treatable and our podiatrist in Roselle can provide you with the treatment option that best suits you and your skin type. Visit us for a diagnosis here at AFP Podiatry today.

Athlete’s Foot Roselle
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 582-1100

Ankle Doctor Norridge

Ankle Fractures and Sprains Norridge

We rely on our legs, knees, ankles and feet everyday to get around. Using these body parts is so commonplace that we may fail to recognize just how much our limbs do for us to help us get from place to place to place easily and comfortably, that is until an injury hits. Taking care of your legs, including your ankles, can not only help you get back on your feet but can ensure that you will be able to rely on your legs for years to come. Leaving ankle fractures and sprains untreated can lead to further, chronic problems, but here at AFP Podiatry, our Norridge ankle doctor can help.

Ankle Pain Norridge

Ankle Pain Norridge

As reliant as we may be on our legs, and our ankles to keep them working comfortably, they can still be pretty fragile. Ankle sprains are fairly common and can occur for a variety of reasons. Typically, this condition can be brought on by trauma to the ankle or an unnatural twisting of the ankle. Both of these occurrences pull on the ligaments located on the outside of the ankle, leading to a sprain. If an ankle sprain goes undiagnosed and untreated, it can worsen and lead to life-long conditions and problems. An ankle fracture is more serious, but that doesn’t mean that sprains should not be considered an important medical issue. An ankle fracture can occur due to the same reasons as a sprain but cause cracks in the bone either incomplete or complete. These can also be caused by overuse and misuse of the ankle as well. If an incomplete fracture is not treated, it can easily escalate and become a complete fracture, which will require casting and subsequent immobilization. Both of these conditions can leave your ankle very weak, making it susceptible to further injury. Our Norridge ankle doctor, Dr. Philip L. Forni, is here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Here at AFP Podiatry, our Norridge ankle doctor can make sure that your ankle injuries heal properly and have you up and walking again in no time. If you experience any strange signs or symptoms, including pain or discomfort, then schedule an appointment with us at AFP Podiatry today.

Norridge Ankle Sprains
4701 N. Cumberland Ave
Norridge, Illinois 60706
(708) 867-3338

Lombard Foot Specialist

Foot Pain Doctor Lombard

Here at AFP Podiatry, our Lombard foot specialist and the rest of our staff are here to treat any problem areas or conditions of the foot that might be inhibiting you from moving easily or from living comfortably. One common condition that our Lombard foot specialist diagnoses and treats in the patients here at AFP Podiatry is plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue that is located across the bottom of your foot and is responsible for connecting your heel bone to your toes.

Lombard Illinois Foot Care

Lombard Illinois Foot Care

There are some symptoms typically associated with plantar fasciitis that you can look out for in your own life. One telltale symptom is if you experience a stabbing sort of pain around your heel, especially when you are taking your first steps after you wake up. Once you have walked around a bit, the pain usually lessens some. The pain may come back if you have been sitting in one spot for an extended period of time and then get up. There are a few risk factors associated with plantar fasciitis, which includes running regularly, being overweight, and wearing shoes that do not provide proper support for the foot. If you think you might have this disorder, you should schedule an appointment with our Lombard foot specialist as soon as possible.

During your visit to AFP Podiatry, our Lombard foot specialist will perform a thorough physical examination and discuss your medical history with you, and at that point should be able to confirm a diagnosis. Many patients use over-the-counter pain relievers like Advil or Aleve in order to reduce the pain. Other treatment methods include physical therapy, orthotics, steroids, surgery and more. To learn more about the various services provided by our Lombard foot specialist, we encourage you to visit the main AFP Podiatry website for additional information. Feel free to contact our staff directly with any questions. Our Lombard foot specialist and the rest of our staff are looking forward to working with you.

Plantar Fasciitis Pain Lombard
2340 S Highland Ave, Suite 100
Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 620-4848

Roselle Foot Doctor

Heel Spurs Roselle

One little known condition that our Roselle foot doctor often uncovers in our patients here at AFP Podiatry is the development of bone spurs. A bone spur is a small growth that develops along the edge of a bone. Bone spurs can often form where your bones come together, your joints, and also on the bones of your spine. Our Roselle foot doctor treats bone spurs that occur in the foot area. Bone spurs are most often caused by the stress put on the joints for people who suffer from osteoarthritis, and so our Roselle foot doctor often notices the development of bone spurs in our arthritic patients here at AFP Podiatry.

Roselle Heel Pain

Roselle Heel Pain

Many patients are unaware that they have bone spurs until our Roselle foot doctor points it out to them, because bone spurs often develop without presenting any noticeable symptoms. In some cases, bone spurs do not even require treatment. For some patients, however, there are some symptoms that alert them to the problem, including pain and loss of motion in the joints. If you are experiencing pain or loss of motion in the joints of your foot, and especially if you already know that you suffer from osteoarthritis, you should schedule an appointment with our foot doctor right away so that we can evaluate your symptoms and confirm a diagnosis. We will likely use an x-ray in order to get a good look at your foot and confirm the presence of a bone spur.

If your bone spur is causing you pain, our Roselle foot doctor might recommend that you use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen in order to give you some relief. If the bone spur is limiting your range of motion or causing other similar complications, we may recommend surgical removal of the bone spur in order to resolve your symptoms and protect you from more advanced complications and decreased quality of life.

If you are interested in learning more about how our Roselle foot doctor can be of service to you, we encourage you to visit the main AFP Podiatry website to browse through some additional information on these topics and more. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like cleared up, we hope you will not hesitate to contact our staff for assistance.

Roselle Bone Spurs
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 582-1100

Norridge Foot Specialist

Foot Pain Norridge

Here at AFP Podiatry, one of the most common reasons that patients seek the expert treatment of our Norridge foot specialist is because they are struggling with arthritis in the foot. While many people experience pain and stiffness in their feet as they grow older, most do not realize that this discomfort can be a result of arthritis of the foot. If arthritis of the foot is left untreated, the pain can eventually get worse and worse, and you may even reach the point where walking is very painful for you, even if you are only walking for short distances. Our Norridge foot specialist does not want arthritis to take away from your quality of life or your mobility. Arthritis refers to a number of conditions that have to do with disrupting the normal workings of the joints in your body. Your foot has twenty-six bones and over thirty joints.

Norridge Foot Pain Doctor

Norridge Foot Pain Doctor

When our Norridge foot specialist evaluates your symptoms and treats your arthritis, we are evaluating how your bones and joints are functioning together, and locating the problem areas that need to be addressed in order to increase your daily comfort and resolve your symptoms to the best of our ability. If you think you might have arthritis in your foot, you should schedule an appointment with our Norridge foot specialist here at AFP Podiatry as soon as possible so that your symptoms do not get worse. If our foot doctor confirms a diagnosis of arthritis, there are a variety of treatment options that could work for you, including the use of anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections, physical therapy, weight loss, orthotic shoe inserts, and more. Most patients are recommended to use to a combination of these treatments in order to get the best results. Our Norridge foot specialist can give you more personalized treatment recommendations during your next visit with us at AFP Podiatry.

If you would like to learn more about how our Norridge foot specialist can be of assistance to you, we encourage you to visit the main AFP Podiatry website to browse through some of the additional information we have made available for our current and prospective patients. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with our staff, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we are always happy to help you.

Foot Arthritis Norridge
4701 N. Cumberland Ave
Norridge, Illinois 60706
(708) 867-3338

Lombard Podiatrist

60148 Foot Doctor

There are plenty types of foot pain. Many people work and go about their day on their feet, and excessive use, abnormalities, family histories, the types of shoes you wear, and any number of factors can all contribute to foot pain and discomfort. If you have ever experienced a burning, tingling or numbing feeling in your foot between your toes, then you may have a foot condition called neuroma. Some foot pain is more than just being tired from working and walking on your feet all day, and may require medical attention. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, then feel free to schedule an appointment with our Lombard podiatrist here at AFP podiatry.

60148 Foot Pain Specialist

60148 Foot Pain Specialist

Neuroma is a common issue that can occur between the base of the toes and the ball of the foot. Usually, this condition occurs between the third and fourth toes. This simply occurs from walking. When the toes bend upward with each step, the outer layer of the nerve in the foot can rub against the ligaments. This repetitive motion causes the outer layer of the nerve to thicken, making it more noticeably uncomfortable with increased irritation. This condition occurs most often in women who wear high-heeled shoes or narrow-toed shoes since the shape of the shoe forces the foot and toes into awkward positions. Neuroma often becomes worse with more activity but the pain and discomfort can lessen with rest. But there are other treatment options and our Lombard podiatrist, Dr. Philip L Forni, can provide you with the proper care here at AFP Podiatry. Upon visiting Dr. Forni, he will provide you with a clinical testing to tell you if neuroma is, in fact, present. He will squeeze the ball of your foot from side to side and also push up towards your third and fourth toes. If you experience intense pain or there is a clicking sensation, then you have neuroma.

When it comes to treatment, our Lombard podiatrist, Dr. Forni, can create a unique orthotic instrument to help ease the pain, prescribe you cortisone injections, suggest physical therapy or even prescribe surgical removal. Don’t let neuroma stand in the way of living comfortably and visit us at AFP Podiatry today.

Neuroma Lombard
2340 S Highland Ave, Suite 100
Lombard, IL 60148
(630) 620-4848

Roselle Podiatrist

60172 Podiatry

If you have bunions, whether they are just forming or if you have lived with them for some time, simply visit our Roselle podiatrist here at AFP Podiatry. Bunions can occur for any number of reasons, though regardless of the cause is none the less painful or unsightly. These enlargements form when the bone or tissue, located on a joint, moves out of place. This forces the toe to bend inward toward the other toes of the foot, causing a painful lump to form on the outer bone of the foot. Since bunions form on the joint of the foot that bends when walking, these actions including running or jogging can become incredibly painful. Shoes can also make the problem more complicated by further constricting the foot and putting more pressure on the affected area. Bunions typically occur in those who have poor foot bone structure and often occur in young adulthood, growing worse as you age. But you don’t have to live with the side effects.

Foot Specialist Roselle

Foot Specialist Roselle

Bunions can develop from poor foot structure or even weak foot and ankle support. Sometimes, bunions can develop with painful arthritis. For people who have problems with the lengths of their legs, it is usually the longer leg that sees the formation of bunions. Additionally, women are more likely to develop this foot condition than men are. This is often due to the shoes some women wear; high-heeled or pointed toe shoes can move the toes into this awkward position over time and with extensive use. If you feel a tenderness or pain on the inside of your foot near the toe joint, if you notice redness or swelling at the spot or even if you feel numbness, you may very well have a bunion. Our Roselle podiatrist can help treat you here at AFP Podiatry. We can prescribe specific shoe types and shapes that will help support your foot and ease pain, create personalized unique orthotic devices for your foot and prescribe medications for the pain and discomfort.

Surgery is even available for more serious cases of bunions. The two most common types of surgery include a bunionectomy or an osetotomy. A visit with our Roselle podiatrist here at AFP podiatry can help determine which treatment method will work best for you and help relieve your foot pain.

Bunion Treatments Roselle
825 N Roselle Rd.
Roselle, IL 60172
(630) 582-1100

Norridge Foot Doctor

60706 Podiatrist

Many people live with flat feet. Adults and children alike have dealt with symptoms and conditions ranging from mild to severe, affecting function and affecting the way they live out their daily lives. Having flat feet is not merely an issue when it comes to dancing as the old saying may suggest, but it can impede on walking, running, or any other activity due to the way weight is distributed across the foot. Some people are able to live with the inconvenience while those with more severe flat foot problems can experience intense pain when merely walking across a room. If you have any form of flat feet or if you believe you or a member of your family has it, then don’t hesitate to visit our Norridge foot doctor at AFP Podiatry today.

Norridge Foot Pain

Norridge Foot Pain

Flat feet are passed down genetically. While it is always a tossup as to whether certain traits will carry on in children, if both parents have foot and ankle problems, the probability of the child developing them as well significantly increases. There is no way to prevent this condition from happening but you do have options when it comes to treating it. First, schedule a visit with Dr. Philip L. Forni here at AFP Podiatry. Our Norridge foot doctor will examine the foot in question to see if abnormalities in the alignment of the foot, ankle and lower leg are present. Your foot may look normal when it is resting but can appear flat when it is bearing the weight of your body. This is where flat foot issues stem from. The improper balance and distribution of weight affects the foot, ankle and lower leg, causing pain. Here at AFP Podiatry, Dr. Forni can provide you with custom-made orthotic devices to help with your pain and discomfort. Once Dr. Forni has examined your foot and lower leg, he will be able to determine which orthotic device will be right for your treatment and will begin designing your custom piece.

Don’t let flat feet keep you from living your life comfortably. Schedule a visit with our Norridge foot doctor, Dr. Forni, here at AFP Podiatry today.

Flat Feet Norridge
4701 N. Cumberland Ave
Norridge, Illinois 60706
(708) 867-3338